The Squirrels
By Robert Askins
Directed by
Mark Peckham
April 21 - may 15
New England Premiere
by Robert Askins
Directed by Mark Peckham
(April 21 - May 15)
Scurius, the patriarch of a family of gray squirrels, has collected enough nuts to last ten winters. When a group of starving fox squirrels begs him to share his hoard of food, animosity erupts into a ferocious war. The Squirrels is a boundary-pushing, darkly satirical look at wealth inequality in which no creature comes out unscathed.
“The fast-paced 90-minute play…is a witty black comedy about a mixed-race squirrel family decimated by prejudice and greed. Writ large, it’s an apocalyptic tale of America’s cultural divide…[Askins] drops a thought bomb…about our responsibility for the destruction of the environment and for the care of one’s fellow squirrel (and otherwise).” —San Diego Union-Tribune
“The Squirrels is [an] allegory that launches salvos at current events, framed by a potential apocalypse…Beneath the satire, the play raises serious questions, in particular, why does inequality reign?”
—San Diego Reader
by Robert Askins
directed by Mark Peckham
Vince Petronio, Sciurus
MJ Daly, Mammalia
Jessie March, Chordata
Val Westgate, Rodentia
Omar Laguerre-Lewis, Carolinensis
Joe Henderson, Sciuridae
Brian Kozak, Squirrel Chorus
Brayden Fanti, Squirrel Chorus
Jared Nobrega, Squirrel Chorus
Stage Manager, Jay Forcello
Assistant Director, Michael Greene
Scenic Designer, Trevor Elliott
Intimacy Coordinator, Susie Schutt
Costume Designer, Lizzy Pegler
Production Manager, Brittany Costello
Assistant Stage Manager, Isaiah Gamboa
Technical Director, Andrew Iacovelli
Thursday, April 21 at 8pm Preview
Friday, April 22 at 8pm Preview
Saturday, April 23 at 8pm PAY-WHAT-YOU-CAN Press Preview
Sunday, April 24 at 2pm PRESS Preview
Friday, April 29 at 8pm OPENING NIGHT
Saturday, April 30 at 8pm
Sunday, May 1 at 2pm
Thursday, May 5 at 8pm
Friday, May 6 at 8pm
Saturday, May 7 at 8pm
Sunday, May 8 at 2pm
Sunday, May 8 at 8pm
Thursday, May 12 at 8pm
Friday, May 13 at 8pm
Saturday, May 14 at 8pm
Sunday, May 15 at 2pm